Sunday, May 17, 2009

A Day of Rest

Today was our last day of church here in Guayaquil. It's funny how after only a few weeks, you kind of get attached to the members. The members here have been super sweet and kind to us all to so it will be sad not to see them again next week. I am sure that we will meet fun new members in Otovalo, but still, me da un poco de pena. They asked us to sing during sacrament meeting as a "parting gift." We sang Joseph Smith's First Prayer to the tune of Come Thou Fount and it was beautiful. I can say that, because I am very aware that the results of the beauty of our performance had very little to do with me, and more because we have some amazing voices in this group and because the hymns just have such power to bring the Spirit. I loved it.
Sorry to disappoint, but we didn't do much else today. We were tired from the week's work and really just paused to enjoy the day of rest for the rest of the day. We didn't even leave the hotel for dinner. We just ate here. I don't even think I took a single picture today. Kind of sad, but kind of necessary, so what are you going to do?

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

I lost your blog address and just found it again...good work. Just in time for you to come home. That's why I'm awesome. Lovies.