Sunday, November 1, 2009

You Might be a Recluse if. . .

. . . you don't mind eating in a sit-down restaurant all by yourself.

Two posts in one day!! No I am not bored, but I wanted to share another experience with you from my trip. So tonight Christie Sue was out at her brother's house and my professors had something else which left little not-so-old me "home" alone with no one to go to dinner with. I think some people might have just ordered take-out or room service, or waited until 9:30 pm when Christie Sue got back and had already eaten dinner but asked her to go anyway, not me.

Finding myself in this situation, I thought, I can sit here and be hungry or I can treat myself to a night out on the town. Okay so I didn't quite treat myself to a "night out on the town" because being in a somewhat of a strange city and it being dark, I didn't really dare venture out farther than across the street, which put me at the Old Spaghetti Factory. Said restaurant is not exactly my FAVORITE restaurant by any means, but it did the job nicely.

The hostess sat me at this cute little table with luxurious tall wing-backed comfy chairs. My waitress was very kind and gave prompt service, and I have to say that I overall, I quite enjoyed myself. At first I was kicking myself for not bringing my planner or something to keep me busy, but I now am glad that I didn't.

I am not saying that I would rather go out to dinner by myself every time instead of with friends. I much prefer the dinner with good friends option. I am simply wanting to say, that instead of being a TERRIBLE HORRIBLE NO GOOD VERY BAD experience, it was actually quite liberating and refreshing. I think I quite enjoy my own company.

That is all.


Daisy said...

Ha! I love you, Katie Grace! I enjoy your company, too. You should really stop coming home smelling like a pub, though. :)

Becca's Blog said...

Everybody should go out to eat at a sit down restaurant by themselves at least once, if for no other reason than to know that it really isn't that bad.

I'm glad you did it.

Lee once went to a restaurant in PROVO by HIMSELF on VALENTINES DAY! And he dressed up and brought flowers and acted like he got stood up. What a weirdo.

Erin said...

I've been on trips with my dad before where it's just me and him, and he has meetings to go to all day, so I would go to restaurants for lunch by myself. Sometimes I would just grab something, but a couple of times I did go to like a sit-down restaurant by myself, and I always thought it was kind of fun. You feel like a weirdo, but I enjoyed it. So I'm glad you did that.

Shelly said...

I've never done that. But I do go shopping by myself sometimes which I like. You have inspired me. Like usual.