Saturday, February 14, 2009


A little about me:
So my name is Katie Grace. Katie Grace Thornton. I am from Utah. I have basically lived here all of my life and I love it! I recognize that Utah is a "bubble" but that is one of the reasons I love it.
In December, I returned home from serving an 18-month mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints. I served in both Richmond, Virginia speaking Spanish and then after receiving my VISA in the Bilbao Spain Mission. The decision to serve a full-time mission for the Lord and for my church was definitely the best decision I ever made in my life. No regrets.
I am home now and trying to figure things out. Figuring out how to play the balance game again. The time spent serving a mission is unique in that you get to spend 100% of your time serving other people and doing spiritual things, but when you come home you just can't really do that, and I am trying to find the balance now.
I am still able to live the "mission-life" a little through all of the other members of my family. I have a dad, a mom and 2 younger brothers, all of whom are currently serving full-time missions for the Church. My dad and mom are working with college-age kids in Seattle, Washington. My brother, Sean is in Milan, Italy. C.J. (Clark) is in Tanzania right now, but is serving in the Nairobi, Kenya mission. Yep everybody's gone except for me. Missionary orphan. jk I actually think that it is pretty cool.
Anyway, that is probably enough about me. One random question/comment for the night though to close. I am just wondering if the question "What do you like to do?" has become more popular over the last 18 months while I was gone in Spain or if I am just more sensitive to it right now because I feel like I get asked this question multiple times DAILY. And I kind of dred it. I never know what to say. I think that it is partly due to the "re-adjusting" from coming back from the mission, or whatever, I don't know. Really though, I feel like I get asked this question all of the time, and that I NEVER know what to say. I usually end up saying something like, "I am still trying to figure that out again" or to avoid more awkward questions about why I don't know what I like to do, just telling them things that I used to enjoy doing. I don't know. I don't know if I am even making any sense, but it's just been on my mind a lot lately. Is it possible that I don't "do" anything? I feel like I run around all day trying to do "everything" but when this question comes, I find myself nearly speechless. Any suggestions?


Amanda said...

Hey! I'm glad you have a blog too! :) What do you like to do? Who really has an answer to that, right?

Becca said...

hey! I don't know how I happened upon your blog, but I'm glad I did. I cannot believe your entire family was on missions at the same time! That's AMAZING. Seriously.

Maybe you just like doing the normal everyday mundane things. I like to clean. I like to do laundry and keep my house orderly and oreganized. It's not a hobbie, a job, or a talent. Just something I have to do all the time, and I happen to enjoy it. Maybe you're like that? I don't know. It was fun reading about ya though. keep it up!

Erin said...

A girl I work with asked me the other day what Chris and I do and it made me feel a liitle bit retarded when I had no idea. So I feel you, dawg.

alexandria said...

Welcome to blogging Katie Grace--it will change you life!