Thursday, September 16, 2010

Libros Libros Libros

Okay so I know that I should have a TON to blog about seeing as I have recently moved to the other side of the country and I promise I will. I will blog about our trek (Sean and I) out here to Boston and our adventures together, about my new house and roommates, Labor day Maryland cabin and Amish peeps trip, and the like, but not today.

Today I just want to talk about books.

Maybe I am just missing school more than I thought I would or something. Actually I don't think that is the case, because the GRE studying I am doing now is a good reminder of how school isn't always fun. Or maybe the GRE just isn't always fun. Especially the ridiculous vocab. ANYWAY, back to books. Lovely books.

I want new suggestions.

Here is a list of the books I have read and enjoyed this summer:

The Book Thief
The Help
The Glass Castle
The Elegance of the Hedgehog
I Feel Bad about my Neck
Peace Like a River
A Room with a View
The Hunger Games Series
Things Fall Apart
Born to Run
False Impression
Into the Darkness
Sense and Sensibility (don't know how I got this far  in life without having READ it)
Pride and Prejudice (re-read)
The Forgotten Garden
Jamaica Inn

Okay so some of these, I am realizing I actually read this spring, but spring/summer same thing.

And now I'm looking for some suggestions. So if you've read a good book lately, please post it on here, because being jobless, I've got some time. ;) I've heard good things about the "Uglies" series and will likely be starting them soon, but if you have others, I'd love your suggestions.

And if you haven't read some of the ones I read this summer and want to know more about them, just ask. I would STRONGLY recommend reading all of them except maybe "A Room with a View." It was one I was supposed to have read in high school and never finished, and although I liked it more and got more out of it this time around than I would have in high school, it still wouldn't make my love list. Or actually "I Feel Bad about my Neck." I just didn't get that into it.


Battfam said...

Both Becca and I liked "The Blue Castle" by Lucy Maud Montgomery.

I didn't notice "The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society" on your list. That is such a weird name, but I liked the book.

The "Life of Pi" is slow and tedious for the first part, but is an interesting book once the story gets going.

If you missed "The Good Earth" it is memorable and even though I thought it was sad, I liked it.

I'm glad you posted this. I have been thinking about reading "The Elegance of the Hedgehog", and was glad for the recommendation. Also, have you read the last book in the Hunger Game series that just came out a month or so ago? I've read mixed reviews on it. I liked the other two, but for the life of me, I don't know why. They were a bit gory for my taste normally. Anyway, I'm just wondering if the last one will be worth it.

kate said...

I really liked the Elegance of the Hedgehog. I read it with my book club and I don't know if everyone LOVED it, especially at first, but I did, and I'm glad I read it, and I think everyone liked it by the end. It starts a little slow-ish though.

I have read the Potato Peel Society and LOVED it. I forgot to put that one on here.

I also have read the last Hunger Games book. I thought it was a lot like the other two. I read the last two one day after the other though so I have kind of a hard time separating the two, but didn't notice a big difference and I think if you liked the first two, you will like the last one.

And I should read the Good Earth. I can't think about that book without thinking of my brother Sean though. Sean "read" (aka turned the pages of) that book when he was about FIVE years old. And I think would still tell you that he got something out of it.

kate said...

Also, I have plans to read the Blue Castle. My friend Casidy also recommended that one to me.

Shelly said...

I really liked the Elegance of the Hedgehog too. It's different than an normal fictional book and that is one of the reasons I liked it. It wasn't what you are used to reading so it was more interesting.

I'm still reading the Hunger Games and I'm liking those.

Pretty much you have read way more books than me this summer and you have all of mine on your list and more. But, let me think of a book that I've read that maybe you haven't.

Um, Harry Potter. Ok, but really, I have actually started this book called Three Cups of Tea. It's not fictional and you've probably heard of it. My biology professor said it is his favorite book and I think he is an interesting guy so I would take that as a good recommendation. The guy the book is about came to BYU last year for a forum and I think he is so humble and that is what made me want to read his book.

LL said...

The Blue Castle is one of my favorite favorites. :) Pretty much anything by Lucy Maud Montgomery. A Tangled Web by her might be difficult to find but is also a really good one.

My favorite book of all time is Kartography by Kamila Shamsie. She has also written a few other good ones: Salt and Saffron; Broken Verse; Burnt Shadows. So I would definitely recommend any of those.

Also, I read Gourmet Rhapsody by the author of Elegance of the Hedgehog. It is much shorter and a little different but that was really entertaining as well.

GMAT said...

Great list!Thanks for your kind! I like your writing way. Now, I'm doing practice here to prep for GRE. . I hope everyone can get more resources here.

Kathleen said...

I really like one called The Last Lecture. It's just a collection of experiences and advice that a guy who's dying of prostate cancer leaves for his students and his kids. It's a quick read, but I just thought he made some great points and I loved it. I also loved Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis and I just started this really interesting social commentary by a psychologist who has studied why boys are less "go-getter" these days. It's fascinating and called Boys A Drift.

Kathleen said...

oh and the Uglies, Pretties, Specials series is worth reading, and fast.

hmmm said...

Wow. You read lots and lots!
Just read The Help and it's probably my most fave book ever! So fantastic.

Reading East of Eden right now. It's pretty great, but heavy and loooong. Love Steinbeck though.
OH! and I heard that Little Bee is awesome. (haven't read it, so I don't really know.)