Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Roley Poley

I have been  sitting in the Harold B. Lee Library for 6 hours straight now. I didn't even leave for a lunch break. I have of course put my 20-page final research paper off until the last week even though I have known about it all semester. But that's not what I want to write about right now. (Although I do have a pretty amazing story about trying to make a copy of an article out of a nursing journal 2 days ago that you will have to remind me to share)

Today I want to write about roley poleys. I am sitting in periodicals, one of the only places in the HBLL that has a good window view to the real world. There is a steep hill that I know most all of you know about that leads down to the windows. It is a nice day outside and I watch about 10 kids all jumping onto their bellies and rolling down the hill.

"What makes us do that?" I think to myself. Why when we are kids do we see a hill, and think, "Hey! I know! Let's make myself dizzy and nauseous and hurl myself down this hill!" I'm not saying it's a stupid idea, I know I did it all the time as a kid, but I do wonder who was the first person to do it? What gave them that idea? Would we as kids have thought to do it if we hadn't seen older kids doing it before?

I just looked up and saw that now a pretty overweight father is rolling down the hill behind his kids. So I guess it isn't just a kid thing. And now one of the older kids is sick of just "lamely" laying down on his stomach to start the roll and is now jumping down the hill and doing a belly flop into his roll!

Well, I better get back to my paper, or. . . maybe back to watching the hill to see if any other new tricks develop.  


Erin said...

I think you should keep watching the hill. I'm sorry your paper is taking over your life. I know that life well, waiting until the end and then moving into the library. And it's not great. So good luck.

Shelly said...

I loved rolling down the hill as a child.

Battfam said...

It must be in the genes. You, writing about roley poleys while you are supposed to be writing a paper. Me, reading blogs when I am supposed to be writing a talk.
Good luck with the paper.