Friday, October 2, 2009

Hello School, Goodbye Blog

I know some of you are very disappointed kate's blog viewers these days due to the lack of "postage" that has been happening as of late. I really have written half of my summer wrap-up entry and have all sorts of hopes for finishing it someday soon, but until then, just know that school is back in. I am studying psychiatric and critical care unit nursing this semester and a humanities class and actually am enjoying it all quite a bit, but it takes up most of my life.
Busy and happy,


KILEY said...

Glad to know you are doing well. Can we please get together though? You know, like a girls night? It has been too long.

kate said...

yes. this is a must. let's plan something great and soon.

Erin said...

So wait. You're focusing REALLY hard on school? Are you sure this is Katie? Because I thought you just did whatever you wanted during the semester.